Everyone's talking about the need for a privacy oriented Open Source solution for an open social graph

And a lot of people are asking me “Weren’t you doing that four years ago?”

Well yes, I was. In fact I still do.

My company FindMeOn Open Sourced a lot of technology that enables a private and security based open social graph, in 2006

The [findmeon node standard](http://findmeon.org/projects/findmeon_node_standard/index.html) allows people to create ad-hoc links between nodes in an graph. Cryptographic key signing allows publicly unconnected links to be verifiably joined together to trusted parties.

Our commercial service manages node generation and traversing the graph. Even using an account linked to a third party, as ourselves, privacy is maintained .

– [A syntax highlighted example is on the coprorate site](http://findmeon.com/tour/?section=illustrated_example)
– [The way the commercial + open source stuff melds is explained in this image](http://findmeon.com/tour/?section=abstracted)

There’s also a bunch of graphics and images related to security based inter-network social graphs on my/our Identity research site. A warning though, half of it is about monetizing multi-network social graphs:

– [IdentityResearch](http://www.destructuring.net/IdentityResearch)